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Table Tennis

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Nájdených 362 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Nintendo Wii Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis (nová)

Nintendo Wii Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis (nová)

Nasledujúce hra je určená predovšetkým pre takých hráčov, ktorí majú veľmi dobrý postreh a rýchlosť. V hre Table Tennis sa vám to totiž bude náramne hodiť. Hra pochádza z dielní spoločnosti Rockstar, čo samo poukazuje na kvalitné spracovanie. Vy si tak užijete skvelú akčnú zábavu. Radosť vám určite ...

414 recenzií

15,86 €
478 Sk


The Table Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Accelerating Your RMR: Maximizing Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Increase Muscle Growth Natur

The Table Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Accelerating Your RMR: Maximizing Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Increase Muscle Growth Natur

The Table Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Accelerating Your RMR will show you how to increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate) to accelerate your metabolism and help you change your body for good. Your Resting Metabolic Rate measures the am

247 recenzií

24,83 €
748 Sk

Table Tennis

Table Tennis

An 11-step approach, building on core techniques.

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5138 recenzií

20,21 €
609 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Enero Lumarko Table Tennis Set Enero 2 Rockets 3 Balls!

Enero Lumarko Table Tennis Set Enero 2 Rockets 3 Balls!

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3928 recenzií

9,12 €
275 Sk


The Table Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Accelerating Your RMR: Maximizing Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Increase Muscle Growth Natur

The Table Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Accelerating Your RMR: Maximizing Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Increase Muscle Growth Natur

The Table Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Accelerating Your RMR will show you how to increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate) to accelerate your metabolism and help you change your body for good. Your Resting Metabolic Rate measures the am

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5138 recenzií

24,83 €
748 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Peak Performance Table Tennis

Peak Performance Table Tennis

Peak Performance Table Tennis comprehensively covers game aspects needed for peak performance and provides action steps for athletes to ensure they perform at their peak when it matters most. This book contains cutting-edge sports science, curated specifically for table tennis athletes. It dives dee...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5138 recenzií

17,49 €
527 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Pot Table Tennis Mesh Friend with Handles (SSB0301)

Pot Table Tennis Mesh Friend with Handles (SSB0301)

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3928 recenzií

37,05 €
1 116 Sk


"Peak Performance Table Tennis: Unlock Your Potential and Play Like the Pros" ("Finn Kevin")

"Peak Performance Table Tennis comprehensively covers game aspects needed for peak performance and provides action steps for athletes to ensure they perform at their peak when it matters most. This book contains cutting-edge sports science, curated specifically for table tennis

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1127 recenzií

17,72 €
534 Sk

Table Tennis Tactics

Table Tennis Tactics

The book contains an age-appropriate collection of all aspects of table tennis tactics for young players. It helps you to read your opponent's game better and to decide how to play against forehand- or backhand-dominant players. There are also valuable tips on how playing tempo can be used as a tact...

247 recenzií

20,71 €
624 Sk

OEM Table Tennis Paddle Quest 3 280

OEM Table Tennis Paddle Quest 3 280

Table Tennis Paddle Quest 3 Zažite autentický pocit hrania stolného tenisu vo virtuálnej realite s Table Tennis Paddle doplnkom. Tento inovatívny príslušenstvo pre VR hry poskytuje realistický zážitok z hrania, vďaka ktorému sa budete cítiť, akoby ste držali skutočnú pálku na stolný tenis. Je navrh...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

763 recenzií

40,00 €
1 205 Sk

Tip-Top Table Tennis (Switch)

Tip-Top Table Tennis (Switch)

Tip Top Table Tennis je realistický pingpongový zážitok pre celú rodinu s množstvom vzrušujúcich herných režimov! Obsahuje 2 pingpongové rakety, nastaviteľnú sieť, pingpongovú loptičku a digitálny kód k hre Tip Top Table Tennis pre Switch.

400 recenzií

32,99 €
994 Sk

Tip-Top Table Tennis (Switch)

Tip-Top Table Tennis (Switch)

Tip Top Table Tennis je realistický pingpongový zážitok pre celú rodinu s množstvom vzrušujúcich herných režimov! Obsahuje 2 pingpongové rakety, nastaviteľnú sieť, pingpongovú loptičku a digitálny kód k hre Tip Top Table Tennis pre Switch.

2642 recenzií

32,99 €
994 Sk


Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation: Reach Your Potential by Controlling Your Inner Thoughts

Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation: Reach Your Potential by Controlling Your Inner Thoughts

Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation is one of the best ways to prepare to reach your true potential. Eating right and training are two of the pieces of the puzzle but you need the third piece to see fantastic results. The third pi

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5138 recenzií

20,91 €
630 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Modern Table Tennis Tactics

Modern Table Tennis Tactics

247 recenzií

45,95 €
1 384 Sk

Table Tennis with Timo Boll

Table Tennis with Timo Boll

In this book, Timo Boll and Bernd-Ulrich Gross provide the reader with as much information as possible about modern table tennis. Timo's exceptional technique and successful game are analyzed in more than 50 instructional photo series with nearly 700 serial photos and more than 100 individual photos...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5138 recenzií

21,31 €
642 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Cornilleau Excell 1000 table tennis bat indoor

Cornilleau Excell 1000 table tennis bat indoor

211 recenzií

46,95 €
1 414 Sk


Tip-Top Table Tennis - Hra + príslušenstvo (SWITCH)

Tip-Top Table Tennis - Hra + príslušenstvo (SWITCH)

Tip Top Table Tennis je realistický pingpongový zážitok pre celú rodinu s množstvom vzrušujúcich herných režimov!

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

190377 recenzií

30,99 €
934 Sk


Creating the Ultimate Table Tennis Player: Realize the Secrets and Tricks Used by the Best Professional Ping Pong Players and Coaches to Improve Your

Creating the Ultimate Table Tennis Player: Realize the Secrets and Tricks Used by the Best Professional Ping Pong Players and Coaches to Improve Your

Creating the Ultimate Table Tennis Player. In order to reach your true potential you need to be at your optimal physical and mental condition and in order to do this you need to start an organized plan that will help you develop your strength, mobility, nu

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5138 recenzií

25,84 €
778 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation: Reach Your Potential by Controlling Your Inner Thoughts

Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation: Reach Your Potential by Controlling Your Inner Thoughts

Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation is one of the best ways to prepare to reach your true potential. Eating right and training are two of the pieces of the puzzle but you need the third piece to see fantastic results. The third pi

247 recenzií

20,91 €
630 Sk

Donic Waldner 1000 Table Tennis Rocket (15100)

Donic Waldner 1000 Table Tennis Rocket (15100)

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3928 recenzií

70,00 €
2 109 Sk


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Nájdených 362 výsledkov

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