Table Tennis
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Nájdených 349 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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Set na stolný tenis Inlea4Fun TABLE TENNIS PLAY SETPrenosný pingpongový set je skvelou ponukou pre aktívnych ľudí, ktorí majú radi po ruke rôzne druhy moderných riešení. Šikovnú súpravu si môžete vziať doslova kamkoľvek a používať ju, koľko len chcete. Všetko, čo potrebujete, je stolová doska a máte hotovo. Sada obsahuje nastaviteľnú sieť, dve raket... |
16,50 € |
VR Table Tennis Kit - Meta Quest 3 |
29,90 € |
Table TennisAn 11-step approach, building on core techniques. |
20,35 € |
Creating the Ultimate Table Tennis Player: Realize the Secrets and Tricks Used by the Best Professional Ping Pong Players and Coaches to Improve YourCreating the Ultimate Table Tennis Player. In order to reach your true potential you need to be at your optimal physical and mental condition and in order to do this you need to start an organized plan that will help you develop your strength, mobility, nu |
25,91 € |
Table Tennis: Steps to Success (McAfee Richard)Step up to table tennis success Table Tennis: Steps to Success combines the knowledge and experience of master instructor Richard McAfee with essential table tennis techniques and strategies for todays player. With a unique 11-step approach designed to maximize table tennis instruction, youll lear... |
25,96 € |
Donic Waldner 1000 Table Tennis Rocket (15100) |
71,58 € |
Donic Ovtcharov Line 800 table tennis bats (107298) N/APálky na stolný tenis Donic Ovtcharov Line 800 Raketa je určená pre pokročilých hráčov pre prepracovanú hru so všetkými rotačnými a vysokorýchlostnými technikami. Rukoväť: kužeľová Obloženie: 2,1 mm Disponuje technológiou: ERGO (Ergonomic Handle) - ergonomická rukoväť, ktorá anatomicky perfektne pad... |
44,00 € |
Table tennis bats Atemi 300 S214559 (46216) N/AVlastnosti: Pálky na stolný tenis Atemi 300 sú perfektným vybavením pre zlepšenie vašich herných schopností a pre každodenný tréning. Vyrobené z najkvalitnejších materiálov. Určené pre amatérov aj profesionálov. |
10,00 € |
The Table Tennis Psychology Workbook: How to Use Advanced Sports Psychology to Succeed on the Ping Pong Table (Uribe Masep Danny)THE ONLY SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY WORKBOOK THATS EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED FOR PING PONG PLAYERS TO BUILD MENTAL TOUGHNESS AND BOOST THEIR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Players hear it all the time... Ping Pong is 90% Mental, and 10% Physical Its All in Your Head The Only One that Can Stop You is You You have to be Ment... |
13,36 € |
Table Tennis with Timo Boll: More Than 50 Instructional Photo Series. His Game, His Technique, His Know-How (Boll Timo)In this book, Timo Boll and Bernd-Ulrich Gro provide the reader with as much information as possible about modern table tennis. Timos exceptional technique and successful game are analyzed in more than 50 instructional photo series with nearly 700 serial photos and more than 100 individual photos. T... |
18,96 € |
Table Tennis with Timo BollIn this book, Timo Boll and Bernd-Ulrich Gross provide the reader with as much information as possible about modern table tennis. Timo's exceptional technique and successful game are analyzed in more than 50 instructional photo series with nearly 700 serial photos and more than 100 individual photos... |
19,06 € |
Becoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation: Reach Your Potential by Controlling Your Inner ThoughtsBecoming Mentally Tougher In Table Tennis by Using Meditation is one of the best ways to prepare to reach your true potential. Eating right and training are two of the pieces of the puzzle but you need the third piece to see fantastic results. The third pi |
21,07 € |
Peak Performance Table TennisPeak Performance Table Tennis comprehensively covers game aspects needed for peak performance and provides action steps for athletes to ensure they perform at their peak when it matters most. This book contains cutting-edge sports science, curated specifically for table tennis athletes. It dives dee... |
17,76 € |
Spokey Exercise 921711 table tennis bats (49558) Green Camo N/APálky na stolný tenis Spokey Exercise 921711 Vlastnosti: Raketa na stolný tenis Spokey Exercise pre rekreačných hráčov. Rukoväť a doska z prírodného dreva potiahnuté gumou. Raketa Spokey vyrobená z vysoko kvalitných materiálov zaručujúcich komfort používania. Technické dáta počet vrstiev: 7 rukoväť:... |
8,00 € |
The Best Muscle Building Shake Recipes for Table Tennis: High Protein Shakes to Make You Faster and StrongerThe Best Muscle Building Shake Recipes for Table Tennis will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to develop more muscle mass. These shakes will accelerate muscle growth fast and in an organized manner by adding large and healthy por |
20,97 € |
Peak Performance Table TennisPeak Performance Table Tennis comprehensively covers game aspects needed for peak performance and provides action steps for athletes to ensure they perform at their peak when it matters most. This book contains cutting-edge sports science, curated specifically for table tennis athletes. It dives dee... |
17,76 € |
Hra na konzole Tip-Top Table Tennis Kit - hra a súprava príslušenstva pre Nintendo Switch (5055957705336)Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Získejte ten nejlepší zážitek ze stolního tenisu na Nintendo Switch Připravte se na vzrušující zápasy a nekonečnou zábavu s Tip-Top Table Tennis Kit Nintendo Switch. Tento balíček vám nabízí kompletní sestavu pro stolní tenis přímo ve vaší konzoli. Není ... |
29,81 € |
Table Tennis TipsHere are 150 Tips to help your table tennis game, by Larry Hodges - a member of the U.S. Table Tennis Hall of Fame and a National Coach. They compile in logical progression three years' worth of Tips of the Week from They cover all |
16,13 € |
SPOKEY TRAINING 81918 table tennis bats (47641) N/APálky na stolný tenis. Raketa TRANING s dobre profilovanou rukoväťou je určená pre začiatočníkov. parametre: - Rukoväť - FL - Konkávna rukoväť - Hrúbka špongie: 1,5 mm - Balenie: 100 ks / kartón |
6,00 € |
Conrilleau Excell Carbon 3000 table tennis bats (55955) Green Camo N/AConrilleau Excell Carbon 3000 EXCELL CARBON 3000 sú nové pálky na stolný tenis od renomovanej francúzskej značky Cornilleau. Použité technológie AERO SOFT a OFC zaisťujú výborný kontakt a kontrolu nad loptou, zatiaľ čo lícovanie pomocou technológie EFFICIENT CURVE zaručuje výbornú rotáciu topspinu. ... |
98,00 € |
Nájdených 349 výsledkov |